19 Nov 2024
20 Years of Partnership with D+H Mechatronic AG: Celebrating Innovation and Excellence

This October, we celebrated a milestone that embodies our dedication to fire safety and advanced technology—20 years of successful partnership with D+H Mechatronic AG. With over 33 years of expertise in natural smoke and heat exhaust ventilation systems (SHEV), ZIP Inženiring has consistently delivered state-of-the-art solutions, advancing building safety across Slovenia.

The event was marked by a special visit from D+H Mechatronic AG representatives, who joined us in Slovenia to commemorate two decades of shared commitment to quality and innovation. Through this partnership, we’ve introduced D+H’s world-class products to the Slovenian market, setting new standards in fire safety, reliability, and energy efficiency.

We extend our deepest gratitude to D+H Mechatronic AG for their continued trust and collaboration. Together, we look forward to pioneering more cutting-edge solutions and setting benchmarks in the industry for years to come.

20 let partnerstva s podjetjem D+H Mechatronic AG: Praznovanje inovacij in odličnosti

Oktobra smo obeležili pomemben mejnik, ki odraža našo predanost požarni varnosti in napredni tehnologiji—20 let uspešnega partnerstva s podjetjem D+H Mechatronic AG. ZIP Inženiring z več kot 33-letnimi izkušnjami na področju naravnega odvoda dima in toplote (NODT) stalno uvaja vrhunske rešitve ter tako dviguje raven varnosti v objektih po vsej Sloveniji.

Ob tej priložnosti so nas obiskali predstavniki podjetja D+H Mechatronic AG, s katerimi smo skupaj proslavili dve desetletji skupne predanosti kakovosti in inovacijam. Preko tega partnerstva smo na slovenski trg pripeljali vrhunske D+H proizvode, ki postavljajo nove standarde na področju požarne varnosti, zanesljivosti in energetske učinkovitosti.

Iskreno se zahvaljujemo podjetju D+H Mechatronic AG za njihovo dolgoletno zaupanje in sodelovanje. Skupaj z optimizmom gledamo naprej, saj bomo še naprej premikali meje mogočega na področju požarne varnosti in določali trende v industriji tudi v prihodnje.

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